The Durango Museum of Art and History is a public services trust set up by Durango Town Council in 1984. The museum is located in the Etxezarreta Palace, at Calle San Agustinalde, No. 16.
History Museum: History Room I, on the ground floor includes an explanation of the cultural, juridical and political history of the chartered town of Durango, with plans, graphs, maps, utensils and clothes. Room II, on the second floor, contains an exhibition on some of the most eminent historical figures from the town, with paintings by artists including Manuel Losada, Alberto Arrupe, Julián Tellaeche and Antonio M. de Lecuona. There is also information on a number of historical incidents, particularly during the Carlist Wars.
Art Museum: On the third floor, there is a collection of Basque paintings, with work by Aquerreta, Darío Urzay, Ibarrola, Ruiz Balerdi, Zumeta, Urcelay, Mari Puri Herrero and Nagel.
President: Garazi Arrizabalaga Cabrerizo
Address: Palacio Etxezarreta. c/ San Agustinalde, 16. 48200. DURANGO
Telephone: 946 03 00 20
Tuesday - Friday: 11am - 1.30pm / 4.30pm - 8pm
Saturday: 11am - 2pm / 5pm - 8pm
Sundays and public holidays: 11am - 2pm
Monday: closed
Temporary exhibition hall.
Free admission