Basque Museum of the History of Medicine

The Museum of the History of Medicine (MHM) contains a rich collection of medical and scientific objects from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, which have been used by doctors, hospitals and other institutions in the Basque Country. Most of the items on show were made in France, Germany and elsewhere in Europe. More than 6,000 items are on display from all medical specialities and other scientific disciplines.

The museum forms is a university establishment, and as well as preserving our scientific heritage, fulfils an investigative and educational role. In the field of research, it seeks to offer a global view of themes such as the history of disease, geophysics and meteorology, together with a more local perspective in different medical and scientific areas. The seminar room is used for classes and practicals in different health-related courses. As well as making the contents available to historians of medicine and science in general, the museum seeks to disseminate its knowledge among the general public.


Basque Museum of the History of Medicine

General Details

Director: Anton Erkoreka
Address: Basque Country University. Library building, 3rd Floor. Campus of Leioa. 48940. LEIOA
Telephone: 946 01 27 90


Monday - Friday: 8am - 2pm
August: closed
Guided tours on prior appointment

Complementary Services

Guided tours
Function and seminar room
Library of History of Medicine and Science


Free admission

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